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How to Do Healthcare Market Research for Your Medical Practice

How to Do Healthcare Market Research for Your Medical Practice

By Kiwi Health

Published: Nov 9, 2023

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As access to quality healthcare becomes scarcer by the day, private practices play a crucial role in filling the gap. With each passing day, countless individuals seek the specialized care and attention that private healthcare providers offer. But how can you ensure that those who need your services find their way to your practice? This is where the power of healthcare market research comes in.

Market research isn’t just a tool; it’s a roadmap of your journey to a successful practice. Whether you’re an aspiring private practitioner or working in private practice already, this guide will help you navigate the intricacies of healthcare market research. 

Included are how to find and cater to your unique patient population as you grow your practice.

What Is Market Research?

Healthcare market research and competitive analysis is a process where data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted for the purpose of gaining insights into market dynamics, consumer behaviors and needs, and industry trends. 

Private healthcare practitioners use market research to understand their patient population, adapt to changing healthcare landscapes, and optimize their services to meet patient needs. Healthcare practitioners can improve patient experiences by conducting thorough market research, identifying unmet patient needs, and tailoring their approach to patient acquisition.

Consider market research for therapists, for example. A therapist can use market research to identify trends in the types of therapy sought in their area and ensure they promote the applicable services they offer.

Healthcare market research for nurse practitioners might look like this: in the community where their clinic is located, a nurse practitioner may decide to conduct a health needs assessment and, based on that research, provide specialized services to cater to the most sought-after needs. 

The Importance of Healthcare Market Research 

From a business perspective, market research for medical practices is essential for understanding the needs and preferences of the local community or telehealth patients a practice serves. It can also help practices identify potential new markets and create targeted marketing campaigns.

Healthcare providers can use research to optimize their services based on patient preferences, which results in greater patient satisfaction and loyalty. Market research can also identify new market opportunities and help practices expand services, specialize in certain areas, or reach new geographic regions. 

As healthcare businesses seek to differentiate themselves from their competitors, market research provides insights into their strengths and weaknesses, letting them develop strategies for differentiation and maintain their competitive edge.

Abstract image representing healthcare marketing research with graphs

Research Helps with Regulatory Compliance

The healthcare industry is highly regulated, and market research helps practices keep up with changing regulations. It aims to mitigate risks when introducing new services, expanding, or investing in tech to help practice the most effective use of resources. By uncovering what patients are willing to pay for services and what competitors charge, market research helps practices determine optimal pricing for services.

Research Helps with Marketing

Research also helps with marketing efforts. It lets healthcare businesses effectively reach their target audience and build a strong brand identity. Understanding patient needs and preferences is key to improving the patient experience, which leads to higher satisfaction levels and more word-of-mouth referrals. 

Market research also helps practitioners build a website that complements their practice’s marketing efforts. By conducting market research, practices can gain valuable insights into the ideal content, features, design, and keywords needed to build a strong brand presence. As a result, a practice’s website becomes more visible to the right potential patients. 

Gathering customer feedback through the website (a form of market research) further lets practices continue to understand and refine their knowledge of their patients and the patient experience.

Healthcare Market Research Supports Sustainable Growth

Market research helps businesses make informed decisions around financing, budgeting, resource allocation, and long-term planning. 

Market research provides the necessary data to ensure the long-term success and growth of a healthcare business.

How to Do Market Research for a Medical Practice

Now that you have an understanding of the importance of market research for your medical practice, it’s time to identify the steps involved.

1. Define Your Market

Begin by clearly defining the scope of your market. In the context of private healthcare practice, this means determining the geographic area and patient demographic (age, gender, etc.) you want to serve.

When you define your market, you can set boundaries for your research and focus your efforts accordingly. Here’s a good place to start if you’re just beginning to define your market

2. Identify Your Ideal Patient Profile

Once you’ve defined your market, identify your ideal patient profile within that market. A patient profile or persona helps you understand who you are serving and marketing to. Here’s an example for developing a patient persona, 

Consider demographics when creating your profile,  such as age, gender, daily activities, income level, hobbies, and health conditions, that align with your services. By identifying the specific attributes of your patient base, you can target your marketing and services to that group.

Additionally, understanding where your ideal patients spend their time online helps you understand the best online directories to list your services on.

3. Conduct a Patient Needs Assessment

To provide tailored, patient-centered care, it’s essential to conduct a patient needs assessment. This involves gathering feedback through surveys, interviews, and observations to determine what patients expect and require from your practice, what their preferences are, what their healthcare challenges are, and what unmet needs they have. 

4. SWOT Analysis

Perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to evaluate your private practice’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, such as competitors or a saturated market. This analysis helps you identify areas where your practice excels, where it needs improvement, potential growth opportunities, and potential challenges.

Absract image of a SWOT analysis as part of healthcare market research

5. Analyze Trends 

Stay informed about current and emerging trends in the healthcare industry and your local area. This includes advancements in medical technology, evolving patient preferences, changes in healthcare policies and regulations, and market shifts.

By understanding these trends, you can adapt your practice to meet the evolving needs of your patients and the industry. 

Keep an eye out for trends that may play to your advantage or hinder your business in the future. By doing so, you will be as prepared as possible for any changes to things like insurance reimbursement and patient needs.

6. Analyze and Pivot

Market research is an ongoing process. Make sure you regularly monitor and track patient satisfaction and assess the effectiveness of your services and marketing strategies. In response to the feedback and data you collect, adjust your business plan and healthcare marketing tactics accordingly to fit the needs of your business and patient population.

Bottom Line on Healthcare Market Research

The primary objective of doing market research for medical practices, including nurse practitioners and therapists, is to develop a cohesive strategy that appeals to your ideal patient, a crucial aspect of which involves showcasing your services on various online platforms. 

While this task may initially appear time-consuming, the long-term benefits are undeniable. In today’s digital age, patients use the Internet and online platforms to discuss and access services, making it imperative to remain competitive and easily discoverable

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