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Multi-Channel Marketing for Healthcare: Why You Need to Be Everywhere Your Patients Are

Multi-Channel Marketing for Healthcare: Why You Need to Be Everywhere Your Patients Are

By Kiwi Health

Published: Sep 28, 2023

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In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, reaching and engaging patients has become a dynamic challenge. 

Imagine this: your patients aren’t confined to a single channel for information; they’re everywhere – from social media platforms to search engines and mobile apps to telehealth portals. 

With many people seeking therapies and treatments through telehealth since the pandemic, healthcare providers must embrace the concept of “Multi-Channel Marketing.” It’s not just a choice; it’s a necessity. 

Join us as we unveil why being everywhere your patients are is the prescription for success in healthcare marketing. 

Strap in because we’re about to journey through the intricacies of multi-channel marketing and listing management in healthcare. 

What is Multi-Channel Marketing for Healthcare?

Multi-channel marketing for a healthcare provider is a strategic approach that involves using multiple communication channels and platforms to reach and engage with patients, caregivers, and the broader healthcare audience. 

This approach recognizes that individuals in today’s digital age consume information through various mediums and touchpoints, such as websites, social media, email, mobile apps, search engines, telehealth portals, and more.

The core idea behind multi-channel marketing in healthcare is to ensure that healthcare organizations, providers, and professionals have a presence and deliver relevant content and messaging across these diverse channels. By doing so, they aim to:

Enhance Patient Engagement: Meet patients where they are most comfortable, making accessing healthcare information through online health systems easier.

Improve Communication: Enable seamless and consistent communication between patients and healthcare providers, fostering a more patient-centric approach.

Build Trust: Establish credibility and trust by being present and responsive across various reputable channels.

Expand Reach: Reach a broader audience and attract potential patients who may use different platforms to search for healthcare information.

Tailor Content: The number of people searching for health information is rising. So, customizing content and messaging for specific channels and audiences has become crucial. This ensures that the information provided is relevant and engaging.

Measure and Optimize: Utilize data analytics and metrics to assess the effectiveness of healthcare marketing strategies and efforts on each channel and refine strategies for better results.

How to Get Started with Multi-Channel Marketing as a Healthcare Professional

As a healthcare professional, getting started with multi-channel marketing can be a very effective way to enhance your practice’s visibility, engage with patients, and build a strong online presence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin:

Set Clear Objectives

Define your goals for multi-channel marketing. Are you looking to attract new patients, improve patient retention, or establish yourself as an authority in your field? Having clear objectives will guide your marketing efforts.

Know Your Audience

Understand your target audience – their demographics, preferences, and pain points. Such knowledge will help you tailor your messaging and pick the proper channels to reach them effectively.

Create a Content Strategy

Develop an effective content strategy that outlines what type you will create and share across different channels. Consider blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media updates. Make sure the content you put out is informative, relevant, and valuable to your audience.

Select Your Channels

Identify the most suitable channels for your practice. Common channels for healthcare professionals include:


Ensure your website is up-to-date and user-friendly.

Social Media

Choose platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram based on your audience.

Email Marketing

Consider building an email list to send newsletters, health tips, and updates for healthcare consumers.

Google My Business

Optimize your profile for local search. This healthcare marketing strategy is one of the quickest ways to shed some spotlight on your local business.

Online Reviews

Encourage your satisfied patients to leave their reviews on popular platforms such as Yelp, Google, or Healthgrades.

Content Creation and Distribution

Start creating content that aligns with your strategy. Share informative articles, health tips, patient testimonials, and updates about your practice. Maintain a consistent posting schedule.

Engage with Your Audience

Respond promptly to patients’ comments, questions, and messages on social media and other channels. Engage in meaningful conversations to build relationships.

Leverage Paid Advertising (Optional)

Consider using paid advertising, such as Google Ads or social media advertising, to reach a broader audience. This can be especially useful if you’re looking to attract new patients quickly.

Monitor and Analyze

Regularly monitor the performance of your marketing efforts using analytics tools provided by the platforms you’re using. Analyze which channels and content types are most effective in achieving your goals.

Adjust and Optimize

Based on your latest analysis, adjust your strategy as needed. Focus on what’s working and refine or eliminate what’s not. Continuously optimize your approach for better results.

Stay Compliant

Be mindful of healthcare regulations and patient privacy laws, such as HIPAA, in the United States. Ensure that your marketing activities comply with these regulations.

Seek Professional Help (If Necessary)

If you find it challenging to manage multi-channel marketing on your own, consider working with a 3rd party service or reach out to healthcare marketers with expertise in this domain.

Remember that multi-channel marketing is an ongoing process. It requires consistency, patience, and adaptability to stay effective in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Over time, your efforts can help you establish a robust digital presence and build trust with your patients.

How 3rd Party Services Can Help with Multi-Channel Marketing in Healthcare?

Third-party services can be invaluable assets in executing a successful multi-channel marketing strategy in healthcare. 

These services provide specialized expertise, tools, and resources to streamline your efforts, reach a broader audience, and maintain compliance with healthcare regulations. Here’s how third-party services can help:

Data Analytics and Insights

Third-party services can provide advanced data analytics tools to track and analyze the performance of your multi-channel marketing campaigns. They can offer insights into which channels are most effective, which content resonates with your audience, and how to optimize your strategy for better results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is crucial for ensuring that your healthcare practice or content ranks well on search engines like Google. Third-party SEO services can help optimize your website, blog posts, and online profiles to improve your visibility in search engine results, making it much easier for potential patients to find you.

Content Creation and Marketing

Content creation is a core component of multi-channel marketing. Third-party services can assist with generating high-quality content, including blog articles, videos, infographics, and more. They can also help with content distribution, ensuring that your content reaches the right audience through various channels.

Social Media Management

Managing social media accounts can be time-consuming. Third-party services can remove this burden by curating and scheduling posts, responding to comments and messages, and implementing social media advertising campaigns to expand your reach.

Email Marketing 

Email marketing is a very powerful tool for patient engagement. Third-party email marketing services can help you build and segment your email lists, design visually appealing email campaigns, and track email performance metrics.

Reputation Management

Knowing that 88% of people read online reviews before deciding on a local business, maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial in healthcare. Third-party reputation management services can help you monitor online reviews, respond to patient feedback, and implement strategies to improve your online reputation.

Telehealth Integration

If you offer telehealth services, third-party providers can assist in setting up and optimizing telehealth platforms, ensuring a seamless patient experience and helping you promote telehealth services to your patients.

Compliance and Security 

Healthcare marketing must adhere to strict compliance regulations, such as HIPAA in the United States. Third-party services with expertise in healthcare compliance can ensure that your marketing efforts are in line with these regulations, minimizing legal risks.

Paid Advertising Campaigns 

For targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or social media, third-party services can help you create and manage ads, set budgets, and optimize campaigns for the best return on investment.

Local SEO and Directory Listings

Third-party services can ensure that your practice is listed accurately on local directories and healthcare-specific platforms, improving your local search visibility.

Training and Education

Some third-party providers offer training and educational resources to help you and your team understand the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in healthcare marketing. 

Starting Your Multi-Channel Marketing Journey with Kiwi Health

As a healthcare professional, embarking on a multi-channel marketing journey can be a transformative step towards enhancing patient engagement, expanding your reach, and establishing a robust online presence. 

However, navigating the intricate world of healthcare marketing requires specialized expertise, tools, and a commitment to compliance.

This is where third-party services come into play, offering a wealth of resources to streamline your marketing efforts. 

One such service, Kiwi Health, is a valuable partner for healthcare practices. Kiwi Health specializes in listing management on some of the most popular and influential platforms, including Web MD, Yelp, Google, Zocdoc, and Psychology Today.

With Kiwi Health, you can rest assured that your practice’s information is accurately and consistently listed across these critical platforms. This improves your local search visibility and instills trust in potential patients who rely on these platforms to make informed healthcare decisions.

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